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C1 Advanced (CAE)

C1 Advanced (CAE) is an advanced level standardized examination for nonnative speakers of English. Advanced (CAE) indicates that you have high-level English qualification which is usually required by universities and employers. CAE has become an alternative to the TOEFL and IELTS in many educational institutions in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries in the passing years. In addition to this, many public departments, businesses and educational institutions throughout the world accept the C1 Advanced as proof of high-level accomplishment in learning English.

The test is intended for:
• Students applying to English speaking countries and other educational institutions where the programs are being taught in English
• Specialists who required English for their work or preparing purposes
• Who interested in having a general assessment of their English languages proficiency for business and education purposes

The advantages of taking C1 Advanced
There’s a wide range of reasons to choose C1 Advanced (CAE) exam. They can be classified as following:
• It will be the key of doors to your international journey, education and work
• Approved as proof of high-level achievement in learning English approximately by 8,000 employers , educational institutions and public departments
• There are 2,800 exam centers throughout the world for monthly test dates
• Students who have taken CAE will be confident and flexible language speakers and should be able to flourish in society and also in an academic environment.

The exam is made up of four stages (Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening, Speaking).

Reading and Use of English: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Writing: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Listening: 40 minutes
Speaking: 15 minutes (per pair of candidates)

Exam Dates
Saturday, April 27 (paper-based)
Saturday, May 4 (paper-based)
Saturday, May 11 (paper-based)
Saturday, May 18 (paper-based)
Saturday, June 1 (paper-based)
Wednesday, June 12 (paper-based)
Saturday, June 22 (paper-based)
Saturday, July 6 (paper-based)
Saturday, July 24 (paper-based)
Friday, August 23 (paper-based)

Exam fee
Please contact us for more details about the examination fees.

• Results for paper-based exams are available between seven and nine weeks after and five to six weeks for computer-based exams the date of your exam.
• All candidates receive a Statement of Results, and if you are successful in the exam you will also receive a Certificate.

To sign up for upcoming C1 Advanced exams please contact us.